Review: Reforge Product Strategy Program for Leaders

An intense but truly rewarding program that gives you a serious upgrade as a Product Leader

Blaine Holt
4 min readNov 6, 2020


Who else out there in Product Management is self taught? I’m going to take a guess and say a huge majority are, including you dear reader.

As our discipline matures, there is a rise in educational resources at our disposal beyond Product Owner Certifications and Design Sprint courses. Programs that are exclusively designed for Product Management.

I had the challenge and pleasure of being selected for the Reforge Product Strategy Accelerator Program and I am absolutely floored by the value it delivered to me.

The TLDR version: If you are in Product Leadership, get yourself in this program ASAP! If you want to know why you should, stick around with a coffee in hand and let me tell you just how awesome the team at Reforge are!

The Creators & Facilitators

Wow…..just wow. The lineup here absolutely had my jaw on the ground. Never in a million years did I dream that I would have access to the…



Blaine Holt

What do you get when you take a Kiwi that studied Bio and Psych and throw him at technology! A weird and wonderful mix. Head of Product @ HATCH