Part I: Evolving the Value Proposition Canvas

How integrating Jobs as Progress can create a stronger value proposition

Blaine Holt
5 min readAug 29, 2020

On my “Path to Head of Product” I came across Jobs to be Done and it completely changed my approach to Product Management.

Jobs to be Done? Isn’t that already part of the Value Proposition Canvas?

Yes, and No.

If you aren’t aware there are two very different schools of thought on this. I’m a strong proponent of the school of Jobs as Progress, and in a nutshell, it’s a theory that proposes customers buy products not because it meets current needs, but because they desire ‘progress’. They want to create a better version of themselves.

It changed me so much that I started to question some of the traditional tools in understanding Product Market Fit. I started to question the value of the Value Proposition Canvas.

Blasphemy? Outrageous? Possibly….

In Part I, I’ll focus on evolving the Customer section. Part II will focus on the evolving the Proposition section.

We’ll go through what is missing in the current model, what we will be changing to learn more about a customer, and by the end you’ll be able to take this away and start creating a different, and what I believe, a…



Blaine Holt

What do you get when you take a Kiwi that studied Bio and Psych and throw him at technology! A weird and wonderful mix. Head of Product @ HATCH